Once upon a time there was a girl called Little Red.Her Granny wanted her to visit so that day she decided to go visit her. Her Mother reminded her that there was a woman that was really pretty and seemed nice but was actually a witch!
“Stay on the path!”called her mother.
“Remember stranger danger!!”she added said the worried mother.
She walked out of the house cautiously as she headed towards the woods, which was where her granny’s house was.If I did bump into the evil woman, I’ll try just ignore her she thought.Meanwhile Cinderella realized she was hungry.She decided to follow the little girl that was walking in the woods and maybe chomp her all up.Little Red was skipping on the path when she saw a bunch of roses. Maybe Granny would like them she thought.She went off the path and skipped over t the roses, pulled the bunch of roses.
"Hello what are you doing child?"
The voice startled Little Red. She turned around an saw this pretty lady with big innocent blue eyes, her voice was high and chirpy, her dress was sky blue, her skin looked as soft cushion.
"I am going to visit my Granny" Little red declared.
"Where does your Granny live darling" The woman questioned.
"She lives in a little cottage just a couple kilometers away" the child replied.
"Well have a nice day" The woman said and disappeared in the woods.
Well that was strange little red thought.Eh she thought and headed towards her Granny's house.
Hiya! What was that little red thought as she ran over to her Granny's house.
"Granny are you alright? What happened?" little red questioned.
This woman over here tried to eat me up so I karate kicked her in the face!
Little Red looked at the woman on the ground unconscious.
"Granny this is the lady I was talking to in the mysterious woods!" the child exclaimed.
"Well why did she come here?"the old lady queried.
"I just told her that I was going to visit you and I told her about where you lived!" she replied
"WHY?" the elderly woman cried.
"I didn't think it was important and plus she seemed really innocent"she spoke.
"Just go home dear and tell your mother that I am fine" Granny asked.
Then Little red skipped home and lived happily ever after.
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